Switzerland will vote on amending constitution to increase corporate responsibility

By Marie Vuilleumier, 9 November 2020
National Council of Switzerland (photo credit: United Nations Photo/flickr)
National Council of Switzerland (photo credit: United Nations Photo/flickr)
The ‘responsible business’ initiative by a broad coalition of NGOs will come to a nationwide vote on November 29. The promoters of the initiative call for an additional clause in the Swiss constitution to ensure that companies based in Switzerland, as well as the companies they control, respect human rights and environmental standards when involved in business activities abroad. Parliament has drawn up a counter-proposal, which will be implemented if the initiative fails to win a majority at the ballot box. This law provides for reporting obligations on environmental, human rights and corruption issues. It also imposes duties of care in the area of child labour and minerals extracted in conflict zones. However, there are no new rules on corporate liability.
Read the full article here: Swiss Info


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