Chile votes to rewrite constitution

26 October 2020
Flag of Chile (photo credit: pixabay)
Flag of Chile (photo credit: pixabay)
Amid a year of contagion and turmoil, Chileans turned out Sunday . . . to vote overwhelmingly in favor of having a constitutional convention draft a new charter to replace guiding principles imposed four decades ago under the military dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet. The country's conservative government had agreed with the center-left opposition to allow the plebiscite after the outbreak of vast street protests that erupted a year ago in frustration over inequality in pensions, education and health care in what has long been one of South America's most developed nations. The Electoral Service said that with nearly all polling stations reporting, about 78 per cent of the 7.4 million votes counted favoured drawing up a new constitution, while just under 22 per cent were opposed.
Read the full article here: TVNZ


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