Sri Lankan supreme court rules four clauses of proposed 20th amendment will require referendum to approve

12 October 2020
Flag of Sri Lanka (photo credit: Scott Edmunds/flickr)
Flag of Sri Lanka (photo credit: Scott Edmunds/flickr)
The five-member Bench of the Supreme Court in its determination on the 20th Amendment to the Constitution Bill held four-to-one that four of the Bill’s clauses need the approval of the people at a Referendum while the rest can be approved by a special majority in Parliament. [ . . . ] Four of the justices namely Chief Justice Jayantha Jayasuriya PC, Buwaneka Aluwihare PC, Sisira de Abrew PC and Vijith Malalgoda held that four clauses would require a referendum as well as a two-thirds majority in Parliament but said the inconsistencies in three of the clauses can be overcome with amendments at the Committee Stage of the Bill.
Read the full article here: FT


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