You are reading: Resources / Virtual Library Back to overview Transitional Charter of Mali - French Transitional Charter of Mali - English Transitional Charter of Mali Transitional Charter of Mali - French Transitional Charter of Mali - English The official French version of the Transitional Charter of Mali published in the National Gazette in October 2020 and the unofficial English translation. Available in French and English Language English French Document type Interim Constitution Author type Government Body Region/Country Africa Mali Number of pages 5pp.
Transitional Charter of Mali - French Transitional Charter of Mali - English Transitional Charter of Mali Transitional Charter of Mali - French Transitional Charter of Mali - English The official French version of the Transitional Charter of Mali published in the National Gazette in October 2020 and the unofficial English translation. Available in French and English Language English French Document type Interim Constitution Author type Government Body Region/Country Africa Mali Number of pages 5pp.