Experts warn that draft religious discrimination bill may breach Australian constitution

By Paul Karp, 30 September 2019
Parliament House, Canberra (photo credit: Leorex/flickr)
Parliament House, Canberra (photo credit: Leorex/flickr)
Key provisions of the religious discrimination bill may be unconstitutional because they allow medical practitioners to refuse treatment, and privilege statements of religious belief, an academic has warned. Luke Beck, a constitutional and religious freedom expert at Monash University, warned the Coalition’s exposure draft bill may be incompatible with international law and therefore not supported by the external affairs power in the constitution. The submission echoes concerns from the Australian Human Rights Commission and Public Interest Advocacy Centre that the bill will licence discriminatory statements about race, sexual orientation and disability on the grounds of religion, and that it privileges religion over other rights.
Read the full article here: The Guardian


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