Calls for constitutional change grow in Kenya

By Rawlings Otieno, 1 October 2018
photo credit: UN Women/flickr
photo credit: UN Women/flickr
The clamour for constitutional change has been growing louder. Various groups have been calling for a referendum for different reasons, including the need to tame the soaring public wage bill, open the door to a parliamentary system of government, strengthen devolution and redress electoral injustices. The bid has gained momentum as the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI), which was unveiled following the political truce between President Uhuru Kenyatta and Opposition leaders Raila Odinga, started collecting views from the public on areas of national concern and how they should be addressed. Raila, who in April proposed that the country adopt a three-tier government that would see the formation of 14 regional blocs, has insisted the work of BBI would result in constitutional review through a popular initiative. “The referendum will be the best thing for Kenyans as they will have the opportunity to address some of the long-standing issues,” Raila said recently in Kisumu, referring to the nine-point agenda the two leaders agreed needed to be resolved as part of their March 9 agreement to cease hostilities following the disputed presidential election.
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