Op-ed: Are there grounds for Philippines' president resignation under Constitution?

By Katerina Francisco, 2 October 2017
President Rodrigo Duterte (Photo credit: Flickr)
President Rodrigo Duterte (Photo credit: Flickr)
With a fact-finding investigation on his wealth underway, President Rodrigo Duterte issued a challenge to the Ombudsman and the Chief Justice: let's resign. Duterte said he, Ombudsman Conchita Carpio Morales, and Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno should resign and submit themselves to an investigation. Morales' office is currently investigating allegations that there were billions of pesos worth of deposits in Duterte's bank accounts. Sereno – whom Duterte has frequently criticized in the past – faces an impeachment complaint over questions in her Statement of Assets, Liabilities, and Net Worth (SALN).
Read the full article here: Rappler


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