Op-ed: Liberalizing Nigerian Electoral Process With Independent Candidature

By Samson Itodo, 30 August 2017
Photo credit: Premium Times
Photo credit: Premium Times
The Nigerian National Assembly recently passed the independent candidature bill in the ongoing constitutional amendment. This is coming on the heels of an avalanche of reports on electoral reforms recommending the introduction of independent candidacy into Nigeria’s electoral system. Without doubt, there is broad national consensus on the need for Nigeria to join the comity of democratic nations by mainstreaming independent candidacy into the electoral process. Independent candidacy, if successfully ratified by the two-third majority of state assemblies and assented by the president, will expand the democratic space, promote competitive politics and reduce voter apathy. It is impressive to note that Nigeria is making efforts to liberalise the electoral environment using the mechanism of constitution review in the public interest. It now beholds on other stakeholders to seize the unique opportunity and commence robust public enlightenment/civic education programme to mobilise citizens on the gains of the amendments to the constitution.
Read the full article here: Premium Times


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