Polish opposition parties challenge new law on Constitutional Court

3 August 2016
Photo credit: AFP 2016/ JANEK SKARZYNSKI
Photo credit: AFP 2016/ JANEK SKARZYNSKI
<p itemprop="description" class="b-article__lead">Polish opposition party Civic Platform challenged the new Polish law on the Constitutional Tribunal, the country's top legislative court, Civic Platform lawmaker Borys Budka said Tuesday.</p><p><span>In December 2015, the newly-elected Polish Law and Justice government sacked five judges appointed by&nbsp;the previous cabinet and installed their own appointees, deprived the Tribunal of&nbsp;control over&nbsp;judges and replaced a simple majority with&nbsp;a two-thirds majority necessary to&nbsp;take a decision on&nbsp;constitutional matters.</span><span style="line-height: 20.4px;">&nbsp;</span></p>
Read the full article here: Sputnik News


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