Zambia MPs to begin debate on constitution

By Voice of America, 19 October 2015
The presidium of the Zambian parliament in Lusaka is seen in a Feb. 24, 2012 photo (photo credit: Voice of America)
The presidium of the Zambian parliament in Lusaka is seen in a Feb. 24, 2012 photo (photo credit: Voice of America)
<p>Zambia’s parliament will soon begin debating proposed sweeping new constitutional changes that would include the election of a vice president.</p><p>Justice Minister Ngosa Simbyakula, who presented the constitution amendment bill, says it seeks about 20 revisions in the current constitution, including qualifications for high office including citizenship, dual citizenship, and modes of acquiring Zambian citizenship. It also focuses on provincial assemblies, establishing their functions, composition and procedures.</p>
Read the full article here: Voice of America


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