Myanmar president discusses peace talks while opposition calls for a robust pact

By Reuters , 10 September 2015
Karen National Union (KNU) chairman Mutu Say Poe (R) talks to Myanmar"s President Thein Sein at a meeting between the president and ethnic rebel groups to discuss a nationwide ceasefire agreement in Naypyitaw September 9, 2015 [photo credit: Reuters]
Karen National Union (KNU) chairman Mutu Say Poe (R) talks to Myanmar"s President Thein Sein at a meeting between the president and ethnic rebel groups to discuss a nationwide ceasefire agreement in Naypyitaw September 9, 2015 [photo credit: Reuters]
<p>Myanmar President Thein Sein on Wednesday made his first public appearance since the start of a campaign for Nov. 8 general elections, meeting leaders of ethnic minority guerrilla groups for ceasefire talks in the capital Naypyitaw.</p><p>Clinching a deal with rebel groups would be a political victory for Thein Sein, who made it his top priority, boosting the chances of his ruling Union Solidarity and Development Party in the first general elections since the end of military rule.</p><p>But an agreement with all ethnic armies is unlikely, experts say, with some groups excluded from the talks. Fighting has continued unabated since February in the restive Kokang region along Myanmar's border with China.</p>
Read the full article here: Reuters


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