Ireland: Only two proposals for constitutional referendum

26 January 2015
At the Convention on the Constitution in February 2014. Photo: Cyril Byrne
Colm O Gorman, Mary Murphy, Tom Arnold and Michael Mc Dowell at the Convention on the Constitution in February 2014. Photogaph: Cyril Byrne
<p class="no_name">Only two of 18 recommendations for constitutional change made by the Convention on the Constitution are to be put to referendum.</p><p class="no_name">The Government decided this month there would be no referendums held during its terms of office on removing blasphemy from the Constitution or on reducing the voting age from 18 to 16.</p><p class="no_name">Only two of the proposals for change to emerge out of the convention will now be put to the popular vote: the referendums on same-sex marriage and on reducing the age of eligibility for presidential candidates.</p><p class="no_name">Both will be held at the end of May, along with a byelection in Carlow-Kilkenny (to fill the seat vacated by EU Commissioner Phil Hogan).</p>
Read the full article here: The Irish Times


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