Libya - Initial draft constitution 2014 (English)
This is the preliminary draft of the new Libyan constitution, as prepared by the Constitution Drafting Assembly. The Assembly, which was elected in February 2014, commenced its work later on in 2014. The Assembly established eight substantive committees, each of which is responsible for a specific subject matter area.
This preliminary draft should not be considered a first draft for a number of reasons: (i) the draft does not include any provisions on a number of key areas, including but not limited to the security services; (ii) some of the draft chapters include a number of options that are still being considered by the drafters, and have been included here in this preliminary draft for Libyans to review and consider as well; (iii) the draft chapters are the product of the individual substantive committees and have not been consolidated into a single document. The Assembly has been working under very challenging circumstances, including a deteriorating security and political environment, and an uncertain legal context. It is uncertain when the Assembly will produce a first consolidated draft and when it will be ready to submit its final draft for consideration by the Libyan people.
- C1 - Form of State
- C2 - Form and System of Governance
- C3 - Judiciary & Const Court
- C4 - Indepndent Institutions
- C6 - Rights and Liberties
- C6 - Transitional Measures Roadmap
- C7 - 1 - Loc Gov Committee
- C7 - 2 - Loc Gov Committee
- C8 - 1 - Financial System
- C8 - 2 - Natural Resources
This unofficial English language translation was produced by the United Nations Mission for Libya and International IDEA.
The original Arabic documents are available here