United States: Read and explore the world’s constitutions at this Web site

By Zachary Elkins, 18 December 2014
United States: Read and explore the world’s constitutions at this Web site
United States: Read and explore the world’s constitutions at this Web site
<p>223 years ago today, the American public woke up to a newly ratified Bill of Rights. Since then, not much has changed to the text of the U.S. Constitution. Not so in other places, where some nation’s constitutions typically undergo nearly constant tinkering. For today’s drafters, there is no reason to reinvent the constitutional wheel, which is why some of us created&nbsp;<a href="https://www.constituteproject.org/">Constitute</a>, a Web site for drafters in constitutionally “active” countries.&nbsp;<a href="https://www.constituteproject.org/">Constitute</a>&nbsp;assists the age-old process of searching and analyzing constitutional text from other jurisdictions.</p>
Read the full article here: The Washington Post


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