Russia Celebrates Constitution, But Few Russians Know What It Says

12 December 2014
Vladimir Filonov/MT
Russian children are only taught the very basics of the Russian Constitution in school. Vladimir Filonov/MT
<p>As Russia celebrates Constitution Day on&nbsp;Friday, a&nbsp;poll shows a&nbsp;vast majority of&nbsp;citizens have no knowledge of&nbsp;what their country's Constitution actually says, but four in ten still believe it protects their rights, a&nbsp;recent poll indicated.</p><p>A&nbsp;total of&nbsp;41 percent of&nbsp;respondents said they had never read the&nbsp;Constitution, while another 24 percent said they remembered "nothing" from&nbsp;the text, and&nbsp;yet another 24 percent acknowledged having only vague memories of&nbsp;it, independent Levada Center pollster said in&nbsp;a report released Wednesday.</p><p>Only 12 percent of&nbsp;respondents said they had a&nbsp;fairly good knowledge of&nbsp;the text, according to&nbsp;the report.</p>
Read the full article here: The Moscow Times


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