Tanzania civil society calls for civic education on proposed Constitution

13 November 2014
Afrocod - The African Community Development Network Incorporated
Afrocod - The African Community Development Network Incorporated
<p>A CIVIL society organisation, African Community Development Network (AFROCOD), has advised activists to educate the people on the proposed constitution to enable them decide independently.</p><p>The organisation's Programme Manager, Mr Amon Katunzi, told a news conference in Dar es Salaam that education was vital towards the referendum exercise for the people to make the right decisions. "It's too early for members of the public to be told which side should be voted for in the constitution," he opined.</p><p>Mr Katunzi's statement was echoed by AFROCOD Executive Director, Mr Vincent Mughwai, who said MPs should endorse the law on constitutional reforms to pave way for fair local government elections next year, adding that the new constitution should be postponed until next year.</p>
Read the full article here: Daily News


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