Nigeria: On Amending The Constitution

By The Guardian Editorial, 11 November 2014
 Nigeria: On Amending The Constitution
Nigeria: On Amending The Constitution
<p><span>While the much criticised 1999 Constitution has been the subject of several amendments, that Nigeria needs a new constitution in form and content cannot be over-emphasised. And the latest attempt by the National Assembly at some amendment is commendable. But it would have been better if it did not proceed without consideration of the report of the recently concluded National Conference. So all efforts should be put into harmonising all positions and getting a constitution that can set Nigeria on the path of real nationhood. A few years ago, the nation’s legislative chambers began another round of amendment with the setting up of ad hoc constitution review committees in the two houses of the National Assembly.
Read the full article here: The Guardian (Nigeria)


Adem Abebe 9 September 2016
Hello there, thanks for the comments. More info on Nigeria can be found here: If you would like regular updates on constitutional developments around the world, please subscribe here: You may also like ConstitutionNet on Facebook and Twitter. Best, The Editor

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