Malta: Review the Constitution

By Martin Scicluna, 5 November 2014
Photo: Omar Camilleri/DOI
Should Malta have a bicameral Parliament or would an advisory Council of State provide the better answer? This is one of the questions posed in the Today Public Policy Institute’s report on the Constitution. Photo: Omar Camilleri/DOI
<p>The opening paragraph of the report by Malta’s only independent and non-partisan think-tank, The Today Public Policy Institute, on the Constitution of Malta states: “The Constitution represents the bedrock of the democratic governance of Malta. It is the rule book regulating Malta’s governing institutions and processes. It constitutes the supreme law of Malta.”</p><p>These are heavily loaded words. To most readers, the Constitution of Malta dictating how this country is governed, is taken as given. A dry, legalistic document of interest only to politicians, constitutional lawyers and academic anoraks.</p>
Read the full article here: Times of Malta


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