Constitutional reform leaves much to puzzle over for England

29 September 2014
Flag of Saint George flies at Amberley Castle, West Sussex. Photograph: Alamy
Flag of Saint George flies at Amberley Castle, West Sussex. Photograph: Alamy
<p>Vernon Bogdanor (<a href="">Why English votes for English laws is a kneejerk absurdity</a>, 25 September) is right to argue that the English votes for English laws proposal is a diversion. It is just one part of a much bigger jigsaw. The way to fix the “English question” does not lie within Westminster. The fantastic democratic adventure in Scotland shows that we can end the culture of over-centralisation and empower local people to make their own decisions on local issues. Local government can and should be the vehicle for English devolution if it can be finally freed from the chains of Whitehall with a radical shift of powers from the centre.</p>
Read the full article here: The Guardian


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