At fifty, Maltese Constitution needs serious review - think tank

By Matthew Agius, 26 September 2014
Michael Frendo
Michael Frendo: “The law works. However just because it has served us well doesn’t mean we don’t have to question it.”
<p><span>'The way in which a Constitutional Convention tackles these issues will need very careful consideration, great tact and the most delicate choreography.'</span></p><p>The Constitution should be amended and amplified, but need not be completely redesigned, the Today Public Policy Institute said on a report on constitutional reform that has published its final report today. The 39-page document, ‘A Review of the constitution of Malta at Fifty: Rectification or Redesign?’ addresses key issues on constitutional reform, as outlined in the current government’s electoral manifesto.The review owes its roots to a proposal by the late Peter Serracino Inglott for an in-depth study into the Constitution.</p><p>________________________________________________________________</p>
Read the full article here: Malta Today


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