UK: Alex Salmond: No vote for independence 'at this stage'

19 September 2014
Photo: 2014 Getty Images
Alex Salmond concedes defeat in the independence referendum. Photo: 2014 Getty Images
<div class="firstPar"><p>Alex Salmond raised the prospect of another independence referendum in his concession speech this morning by stating that Scots had not chosen to support separation “at this stage”.&nbsp;<span style="font-size: 1em; line-height: 1.5em;">The First Minister said he accepted the “democratic verdict of the people of Scotland” after they voted by 55 per cent to 45 per cent to reject leaving the UK.</span></p></div><div class="thirdPar"><p>He pledged to respect a deal he signed with David Cameron to hold the referendum that he would “work constructively in the interests of Scotland and the rest of the United Kingdom” if there was a No vote.</p>
Read the full article here: The Telegraph


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