Australia: Abandon change to constitution

By Barry Maley, 5 August 2014
Photo: Department of Defence-Australia
The Australian, Aborginal and the Torres Strait Island flags fly during the NAIDOC Week 2012 Defence Memorial Service at the Australian War Memorial. Photo: Department of Defence-Australia
<p>The parliamentary committee recommending to the federal government constitutional wording to “recognise” Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples released its interim report in July. It envisages major alterations to the Constitution, challenging the future of Australia as one united people, subject to the same rule of law.</p><p><br><br>Australians have always been wary of constitutional changes with one outstanding exception: the 1967 referendum to include Aboriginal people in counting the population. It was a resounding vote for equal citizenship for the Aboriginal people and a demonstration of Australians’ abundant goodwill towards them.</p>
Read the full article here: The Australian


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