Japan Outlines Constitution Change Impact

30 July 2014
Japanese Ambassador to the Philippines Toshinao Urabe gestures as he answers questions from reporters after discussing Japan's new security policy during a forum with the Foreign Correspondents Association of the Philippines, July 17, 2014. AP
<p>Japan’s ambassador to the Philippines, Toshinao Urabe, says the proposed “reinterpretation” of Japan's pacifist constitution would allow it to help if a country it has a “close relationship” with is attacked. This means it would help defend the U.S., which is its only mutual defense treaty ally.&nbsp; Urabe said under the treaty, Japan is not obligated to use force in helping.&nbsp; The reinterpretation would enable it to do so.</p><p><br>&nbsp;<br>But Urabe told reporters at a forum in Manila Thursday that in the case of other countries like the Philippines, which he said Japan also has a close relationship with, it would “depend on the situation.”&nbsp; He said Japan is most concerned with protecting its nationals if they are in vulnerable security situations.</p>
Read the full article here: Voice of America


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