Ecuador: Flawed Constitutional Reform Proposal

By Human Rights Watch, 20 July 2014
© 2013 Reuters
Ecuador's President Rafael Correa addresses the National Assembly in Quito on May 24, 2013. © 2013 Reuters
<p>The National Assembly should modify provisions in its constitutional reform proposal to ensure that it respects Ecuador’s international human rights obligations, Human Rights Watch said today.</p><p><br><br>On June 26, 2014, the president of the National Assembly, a member of the government official party, submitted a proposal to the Constitutional Court that would revise 17 articles of the Ecuadorian Constitution. Among other concerns, the changes could limit citizens’ ability to challenge abusive state action. The proposal would grant the Armed Forces powers to participate in public security operations, would categorize “communications” as a “public service,” and would allow for reelection of a president for an unlimited number of terms.</p>
Read the full article here: Human Rights Watch


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