Sami Abdelhalim , 3 June 2019
The Need for a Transitional Constitutional Framework for Post-al Bashir's Sudan12 April 2023
In Sudan, deadline to establish civilian-led transitional government passes after failure to agree final transition deal20 March 2023
In Sudan, establishment of civilian-led transitional government promised in coming month18 March 2023
In Sudan, army creates three committees for upcoming workshop on security and military reform
12 March 2023
Sudan’s political, military leaders discuss appointment of civilian prime minister
A spokesman for the Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC) revealed on Sun…
11 March 2023
Sudanese army rejects bidding with its position, stresses commitment to political process
The Sudanese army, on Saturday, renewed its commitment to the politi…
9 February 2023
Cairo meeting form new coalition for non signatories of Sudan’s framework agreement
February 7, 2023 (KHARTOUM) – The political forces participating in a work…
6 December 2022
The framework agreement is based on the draft transitional constitution put forward by the steering committee of the Sudan Bar Association.
On Monday, Sudan's …
25 November 2022
Following the recent declaration on July 4 by the Sudanese military leadership that it would accept the establishment of a civilian government and fully withdra…