Letlhogonolo Mokgoroane, 24 October 2018
Expropriation without compensation: Democratizing South Africa’s economy? 
3 May 2023
National Assembly approves sign language as South Africa's twelfth official language
The National Assembly of Parliament has approved the amendment of Section …
18 April 2023
South Africa’s president signed the Electoral Amendment Bill into law on Monday which will pave the way for independent candidates to contest national and provi…
4 April 2023
Bid to amend Constitution to stop frequency of motions of no confidence
The DA is pushing ahead with its proposed constitutional amendment to govern coalition…
22 March 2023
Time to relook on whether Constitution has served aspirations of our people: SA Prez Ramaphosa
South African President Cyril Ramaphosa on Wednesday said the c…
24 November 2022
The Al Jama-Ah political party is introducing two private members’ bills to parliament seeking to change divorce and marriage registration laws in the country.