Venice Commission supports Ukraine switching to three-tier court system

By Interfax - Ukraine, 28 October 2015
Ukraine constitutional court in session [photo credit: Sputnik News]
Ukraine constitutional court in session [photo credit: Sputnik News]
<p>The Presidential Administration believes that it would be realistic to switch to a three-tier court system in Ukraine which is supported by the European Commission For Democracy Through Law (Venice Commission).</p><p>"The Venice Commission welcomes a switch to the three-tier court system, in particular, when amendments to the Constitution [on justice] are made… the three-tier court system should be introduced," Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Oleksiy Filatov said at a briefing in Kyiv on Monday.</p><p>He said that the recommendations of the Venice Commission include a proposal to entrench the autonomous system of administrative courts and the Supreme Court shall remain the highest court in Ukraine.</p>
Read the full article here: Interfax - Ukraine


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