Tunisian Constituent Assembly adopts provisional constitution

12 December 2011
<p>Tunisia’s newly elected<a title=" Tunisian assembly adopts provisional constitution " href="http://www.france24.com/en/20111211-tunisia-constituent-assembly-agrees-provisional-constitution-north-africa?ns_campaign=editorial&amp;ns_source=twitter&amp;ns_mchannel=reseaux_sociaux&amp;ns_fee=0&amp;ns_linkname=20111211_tunisia_constituent_assembly_agrees_provisional_constitution"> Constituent Assembly last Saturday, 10 December adopted an interim constitution, following five days of deliberation</a>. The interim constitution will reestablish state institutions and allow for a new government to be appointed. It also paves the way for the election of a new President of the Republic who must be at least 35 years of age, exclusively Tunisian and of the Muslim religion.
Read the full article here:


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