Spain's King Juan Carlos abdicates

2 June 2014
Spain’s King Juan Carlos. (Luis Correas/Reuters)
Spain’s King Juan Carlos reviews the troops during a visit to a military air base in 2008. (Luis Correas/Reuters)
<p>Spain's King Juan Carlos is abdicating after almost 40 years on the throne and his son Prince Felipe will succeed him, Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said on Monday in a surprise announcement.&nbsp;"His majesty, King Juan Carlos, has just communicated to me his will to give up the throne," Rajoy said. "I'm convinced this is the best moment for change."<br>&nbsp;Once popular Juan Carlos, who helped smooth Spain's transition to democracy in the 1970s after the Francisco Franco dictatorship, has lost public support in recent years due to corruption scandals and gaffes.</p>
Read the full article here: Reuters


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