14 October 2014
Students protested in Barcelona last week after Spain's Constitutional Court issued a ruling that prevented Catalonia from holding an independence referendum on Nov. 9. Credit Lluis Gene/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
<p>The Catalan leader, Artur Mas, said Tuesday that Catalan citizens would be asked next month to express their opinion about whether to secede from Spain even if not in a binding independence vote that has been blocked by legal and political objections from Madrid.</p><p><br><br>In his latest act of defiance toward Madrid, Mr. Mas called off his push for a secession vote next month but announced that the regional Catalan government would instead urge its citizens to take part in a looser, nonbinding consultation on the same date. He added that his government had the right to organize such a referendum and that doing so would not violate Spanish law.</p>
Read the full article here:
New York Times
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