Recent poll finds support for amending constitution in the Philippines has dropped

By Kaycee Valmonte, 27 March
Flag of the Philippines (photo credit: David Peterson via pixabay)
Flag of the Philippines (photo credit: David Peterson via pixabay)
Support for amending the 1987 Constitution has dropped significantly over the past year, according to a Pulse Asia Research, Incorporated survey released on Wednesday, March 27. From 41% of Filipino adults supporting charter change efforts in March 2023, there are now only 8% in favor of the move. The pollster, which interviewed 1,200 respondents from March 6 to 10, said 88% of Filipinos are not in favor of amending the Constitution, a 43-percentage point increase from the 45% who opposed the move last year. A big majority or 74% of Filipinos said it “should not be amended now or any other time,” a significant increase from 31% in March 2023.
Read the full article here: Rappler


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