Proposed amendment to Kenya's constitution would increase female legislators

By David Mwere, 14 November 2018
photo credit: Ninara/flickr
photo credit: Ninara/flickr
The number of National Assembly legislators could increase to 391 from the current 349 if the proposed amendment to the Constitution to have more women nominated is enacted. Those in the Senate could also increase but marginally to about 71 from the current 67 members that has 47 elected out of which three are women and 20 nominated- 16 women and four men. [ . . . ] Article 81 (b) provides that not more than two-thirds of the members of elective public bodies- among them parliament, shall be of the same gender. Currently, the National Assembly has 75 women MPs- 22 elected from the 290 constituencies in the last election, six nominated in the 12 nomination slots while 47 were elected from the counties in the spirit of affirmative action.
Read the full article here: All Africa


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