Peru amends constitution to include right to free access to the internet

25 September 2023
photo credit: JJ Ying via unsplash
photo credit: JJ Ying via unsplash
[Original in Spanish] On September 23, 2023 , Law No. 31878 was published, a constitutional reform law that promotes the use of information and communication technologies, and recognizes the right of access to free internet throughout the country. This law introduces two modifications to the Political Constitution of Peru: In article 2, numeral 4, referring to freedom of information, it is added that the State promotes the use of information and communication technologies throughout the country; Article 14-Aº is incorporated, according to which the State guarantees, through public or private investment, access to free internet throughout the national territory, with special emphasis on rural areas, peasant and native communities. [According to the Constitution and Regulations Commission of Congress] "By referring to a free Internet, the Commission intends not only to recognize access to the Internet as a right, but, by considering it as such, it can be said that it cannot be subject to censorship or restrictions, except when these are provided for by law, are necessary to protect national security, public order, public health or morals or the rights and freedoms of third parties, following article 12 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, ratified by our country in 1978.
Read the full article here: Rodrigo Elias & Medrano


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