Op-Ed: Happy Birthday to Kenya’s Constitution

By Hon. Justin Muturi , 27 August 2015
Former President Mwai Kibaki holds newly promulgated constitution [photo credit: CNN]
Former President Mwai Kibaki holds newly promulgated constitution [photo credit: CNN]
<p style="padding-left: 90px;"><em><strong>“We, the people of Kenya….adopt, enact and give this Constitution to ourselves and to our future generations.”</strong></em></p><p>I wish to join Kenyans in commemorating the promulgation of our Constitution, five years after we gave to ourselves a new constitutional order to be the primary reference document of our governance. Several key things happened with the promulgation of this constitution on August 27th, 2010, one of them being a complete shift in the governance structure, instituting a devolved system of governance that has since March 2013 elections defined how money is spent, how development is spread and how the country is run. </p>
Read the full article here: Capital FM


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