Op-ed: Civilianizing Myanmar by reducing role of the military in Parliament could take another three decades

By KYAW ZWA MOE , 28 May 2019
Myanmar military lawmakers (photo credit: Reuters)
Myanmar military lawmakers (photo credit: Reuters)
Believe it or not, Myanmar’s current political transition to democracy is likely to require another 30-year cycle to complete. The country’s powerful military seems determined not to leave politics in the near future, even within a decade. Though the former ruling regime embarked on the reform process in early 2011, the military’s leadership has never set a date for its departure from politics. In March this year, the NLD proposed a gradual reduction in the 25 percent of parliamentary seats currently guaranteed to military-appointed lawmakers by the Constitution. It was discussed at a closed-door meeting of the parliamentary joint committee to draft amendments to the Constitution.
Read the full article here: The Irrawaddy


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