Myanmar: Lawyers launch "yellow ribbon" campaign against military in judicial office

By Radio Free Asia, 14 September 2015
photo credit: AFP
photo credit: AFP
<p>Myanmar lawyers began a “yellow ribbon” campaign on Friday in Yangon to protest against the recent appointment of 20 former military officers to judicial positions on the country’s Supreme Court in a bid to end the appointment of military judges to the country’s judiciary branch.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>A lawyer association in Naypyidaw began the campaign on Wednesday at Dekkhina District Court where supporters wore yellow ribbons and passed out fliers to oppose the “militarization of the judiciary” through the appointment of former military officers to judicial positions for which they are often unqualified.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>
Read the full article here: Radio Free Asia


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