Moldova: Constitutional Court paves way for constitutional amendment for direct election of president

8 March 2016
Photo credit: Reuters/Valery Korchmar
Photo credit: Reuters/Valery Korchmar
<p><span class="focusParagraph">&nbsp;</span></p><p>A leading court in Moldova on Friday ruled in favor of having direct national elections to choose a president rather than a vote in parliament - a concession to protesters who have been demonstrating for months against the political elite.</p><p><span style="line-height: 20.4px;">The constitutional court's decision to revert to a national vote - which will require support from two-thirds of lawmakers to become law - would give some political power back to ordinary Moldovans who are angry with high-level corruption and low living standards.&nbsp;</span></p><p>&nbsp;</p>
Read the full article here: Reuters


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