Latvia adopts amendments to strengthen constitutional court

By Linda Spundiņa, 9 September 2020
Saeima of Latvia (photo credit: Saeima/flickr)
Saeima of Latvia (photo credit: Saeima/flickr)
Saeima adopted amendments to the law last week with regard to strengthening independence of the judges of the Constitutional Court. Experts say, though, that there is more room for improvement[.] Changes to the law are to be viewed in three main blocks: first - independence of the budget of the Constitutional Court. Second - strengthening of governance, freeing the President of the Constitutional Court from the duties of the head of the administration. Third - strengthening of the selection of the judges. The Law provides for the possibility for Constitutional Court judges to remain in the public sector for ten years after their powers are over.
Read the full article here: LSM.LV


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