Kenya's constitutional commission accuses Attorney General of delaying important Bills on gender quota

By Citizen Digital, 5 August 2015
Constitution Implementation Commission (CIC) chair Charles Nyachae [photo credit: Business Daily Africa]
Constitution Implementation Commission (CIC) chair Charles Nyachae [photo credit: Business Daily Africa]
<p>Constitution Implementation Commission (CIC) chair Charles Nyachae has accused the office of the Attorney General of delaying preparation of Constitutional Bills on the two-thirds gender rule ahead of the August 27th&nbsp;deadline.&nbsp;<span style="line-height: 20.3999996185303px;">Nyachae has told Parliament’s&nbsp;Constitutional Implementation Oversight Committee (CIOC) that his commission has already approved all the nine pending Constitutional Bills which must be passed by the 27th&nbsp;of this month.&nbsp;</span></p>
Read the full article here: Citizen Digital


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