Ireland: Can a constitutional convention offer real and radical change?

By Ivana Bacik, 15 January 2015
The Irish Dail (Credit: Justin Pickard, CC BY SA 2.0)
The Irish Dail (Credit: Justin Pickard, CC BY SA 2.0)
<div class="entry-summary"><p><em>Following an&nbsp;economic and financial crisis in 2009,&nbsp;Ireland became one of the first countries that</em><em>&nbsp;attempted to provide for a citizen-led programme of constitutional reform. Senator Ivana Bacik&nbsp;speaks about her experience as&nbsp;</em><em>a&nbsp;politician&nbsp;who took part in the Irish Constitutional Convention. She suggests&nbsp;that a constitutional convention can offer&nbsp;real and radical change.</em></p>
Read the full article here: London School of Economic and Political Science (LSE)


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