How drafters of 2010 Constitution ensured MPs won’t abuse it for political expediency

By Wachira Maina, 30 March 2015
President Mwai Kibaki at the promulgation of the new Constitution in 2010 (photo credit: File)
President Mwai Kibaki at the promulgation of the new Constitution in 2010 (photo credit: File)
<div><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>“The tragedy of Kenya’s new Constitution,” a Senator said to me recently, “is that only those who voted ‘No’ had actually read it before the referendum.”&nbsp;<span style="line-height: 20.3999996185303px;">This insight explains why so many politicians who voted ‘Yes’ in 2010 feel betrayed by how hard the Constitution has made their lives.</span></p>
Read the full article here: Daily Nation


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