Ghana’s Constitutional Amendment Risks Single Partisan Political Sabotage

13 July 2014
Ghana’s Constitutional Amendment Risks Single Partisan Political Sabotage
Ghana’s Constitutional Amendment Risks Single Partisan Political Sabotage
<p>It has come to IMANI’s notice that the Chairman of the Constitution Review Implementation Committee, Prof. Emmanuel V.O. Danquah suggests that it is too late for institutions to make inputs into the bill for constitution review[Constitution Review Committee Rejects Late submission]. IMANI is by this publication urging a second look at what is being proposed for amendment and that time can only be of essence when the right set of laws are made for a citizenry that is hopeful for prosperity under a set of well organised rules . IMANI is not convinced that the amendment process in its current form will be beneficial to our democracy.</p>
Read the full article here: Spy Ghana


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