Bouteflika: Algeria is preparing for the revision of the Constitution

24 November 2014
© Louafi Larbi / Reuters
© Louafi Larbi / Reuters
<p>President of the Republic Abdelaziz Bouteflika said Monday in Algiers That Algeria was preparing "Seriously" for the review of the Constitution" basing on the results of wide consultations organized for this task".</p><p>"Algeria will proceed to the revision of the Constitution. It Prepares seriously, basing itself on the results of wide consultations organized on this fact to combine all social categories," said President Bouteflika in a message to the participants in the African scientific conference on "the evolution of constitutional Law in Africa", read in his name by Mr Mohamed Ali Boughazi, advisor to the President of the Republic.</p>
Read the full article here: Ennahar Online


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