In Bermuda, attorney general announces plan for constitutional reform advisory group

By Jonathan Bell, 16 March 2022
Flag of Bermuda (photo credit: deMysticWay via pixabay)
Flag of Bermuda (photo credit: deMysticWay via pixabay)
A road map for redrawing Bermuda’s constitution will be developed in consultation with the British Government, MPs were told. Kathy Lynn Simmons, the Attorney-General, told the Budget debate for the Ministry of Legal Affairs on Friday that constitutional reform was “a matter of self-determination, autonomy and decolonisation”. [...] “The ministry will implement an advisory steering group to make recommendations to progress constitutional reform, to support the diplomatic steps necessary to negotiate with the UK a more fit-for-purpose constitutional model for Bermuda”. [... Ms Simmons also said] that despite the lack of funding, a “framework will be produced” for an office of the public guardian.
Read the full article here: The Royal Gazette


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